May 2014

mistake proofing in C programming

Mistake Proofing in C Programs

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Introduction The Japanese concept of ‘poka-yoke’ talks about preventing mistakes by introducing certain mechanisms. It was originally designed for machinery which can be applied for any other aspect of life as well. What about mistake proofing in C programming ? The earlier we get

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DISHA Workshop With Industry Expert

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Introduction Mr.Vaidyanathan Ramalingam-CEO USR Infotech, Ex-Director Huawei sharing experience of Global IT Professionals in Softskill workshop.  Exclusive workshop on “Becoming Global Professionals in IT” for all our students under taking training, will be interacting with Industry expert, Mr. Vaidyanathan Ramalingam, CEO USR Infotech, Ex-Director

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