Embedded Systems: Top 5 Tips for a Beginner

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Here Is the Top 5 from Our Team for Embedded Systems for Beginners What Is an Embedded Systems? An embedded system is a special-purpose system which performs a specific task with its...
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Embedded Systems Training: Offerings from Emertxe

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Introduction It is imperative that adoption of technology be accompanied with enabling the users with practical learnings, new tools and methodologies. Every organization, whether in the private or public sector, recognizes that to...
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Constant Pointer and Pointer to Constant

As an Embedded C programmer, understanding pointers is very important. Given the resource constraints in embedded system, one has to ensure memory is utilized in most optimized fashion, where pointers come in handy. While using pointers programmers often come across confusion between constant pointers and point to...
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Pit-falls of Bit-fields

Introduction In the past few posts we have been checking various aspects related to bit fields. In this blog, let us focus on the disadvantages of using bitfields in memory Portability is basically about having the same program or application running across various processor architecture....
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Face-off with sizeof()

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Sizeof : Brief The unary operator size of operator in C programming is used to calculate the size of any datatype, measured in the number of bytes required to represent the type....
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