WebStack Academy (WSA)

A Spin-off from Emertxe

India's Top Online Webstack Developer + DSA Course

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MERN Stack

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For Freshers & Professionals

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12 Hours Online Support

Guaranteed Placements

Introducing Webstack Academy

After establishing leadership in Embedded Systems & IoT Technologies since 2004, Emertxe diversifies into additional technologies to meet the current industry demand for expert full stack developers. Our spin-off, WebStack Academy (WSA), is a brand under Emertxe Information Technologies.

WSA exclusively focuses on application-oriented training, starting with the best online full stack web development course in MERN, combined with Data Structures and Algorithms for competitive programming. As digitization becomes central to every business, explore our professional track for students and leadership track for working professionals, designed to make you a global expert in this domain.

At WSA, we maintain our foundational belief: Hands-on, Project-based learning that drives student outcomes in terms of placements and industry expertise. Explore our Career oriented Courses on WSA website for more information.

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Key Highlights

Project Based Learning

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Completely Project-Driven Pedagogy. In sync with  industry’s Agile Model 

Competitive Programming

8 Guided Full Stack Projects – Focus on DSA and Leetcode for Competitive Programming

Crafted by Industry Experts

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 Courses crafted by industry experts & advisors from Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and top startups

Build Your Own Portfolio

Build your online portfolio and ace placements with leading product companies

Placement Oriented Online Full Stack Web Developer Courses

WSA’s placement-oriented online full stack web developer courses target students and working professionals aiming to build their careers in new-age product development companies. Recognized as the best online full stack web development course, WSA’s revolutionary pedagogy changes how you learn to code. No more module-by-module learning, Learn as you do the projects, just like the industry does. This how Industry develops their Software, Why Shouldn’t you?

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FSD For Freshers : Professional Track

With MERN being the most popular stack in modern companies, having this skill with a portfolio of projects will enable fresh engineers to propel their careers. WSA's full stack web developer course in MERN is designed to meet the needs of fresh engineers.

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FSD For Working Professionals : Leadership Track

If you are a professional working with legacy web technology stacks like PHP/.NET, it’s time to upskill and transition into new-age product development companies. Leverage your work experience with our WSA's MERN stack course for a career transition.

Web Development Courses - Our Story

Our foray into web developer courses is a long and exciting one. It started way back in Java certification courses era and transitioned into MEAN / MERN based full stack era. Here is a historical walkthrough about our journey.

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Java / J2EE courses launched for South Korean University students

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Oracle Workforce Development Partner (WDP) for college workshops

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Android Applications training launched

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Official launch of Webstack Academy

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MEAN stack based courses launch as a part of WSA

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MERN stack based courses launch with modified pedagogy

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What to know more about WSA?