Linux Shell Scripting | Assignments​

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Linux Shell Scripting Assignments

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments and Exercises are a set of problem statements, which will ensure you apply the concept you have leant in your classroom. By solving these assignments, you will go through a systematic problem-solving approach. As you move from simple to more complex assignments of each module it will slowly start building your self-confidence thereby setting yourself into a long term journey with Linux.

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments and Exercises


  • How to execute a bash script.
  • How to change execute permission of a file.
  • How read man-page of a command.


  • To understand how to write and execute a basic bash script


  • When you run the script, display all file information from current working directory

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 1


1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4



  • How to run a loops in shell scripts.
  • How to execute a bash script.
  • How to change execute permission of a file.


  • To understand the working of loops in a script.


  • Read a value from user
  • Create a pattern as mentioned above

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 2/1


2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10



  • How to run a loops in shell scripts.
  • How to execute a bash script.
  • How to change execute permission of a file.


  • To understand the working of loops in a script.


  • Read a value from user
  • Create a pattern as mentioned above

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 3


  • Knowledge about ssh and scp commands.
  • Use of “case” in shell script.
  • Copy files/directories with cp command


  • To understand working of scp and ssh commands.


  • Provide a menu to user to select ssh or scp
  • Based on user selection ask for user name and ip-address.
  • For scp ask user for direction of copy
    • remote to local
    • local to remote.
      copy file to destination home directory with same source file name.
  • Ask for source/destination file location. If no destination location is provided
  • If user gives destination along with filename, keep that as destination filename.
  • If user provides only destination location (no file name), keep as source file name
  • Note: User should know the password for remote user.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 4

Test case 2:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 4/2


  • How to add real numbers in script.
  • How to use piping in commands.


  • To understand working of piping.
  • To learn arithmetic operations in shell script


  • Ask user to enter two numbers
  • User can enter real numbers also
  • Use bc command and piping to do

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 5


2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10



  • How to use command-line arguments in script.
  • How to do arithmetic operations in script.
  • How to use piping in commands.


  • To understand working of command-line arguments
  • To understand working of piping.
  • To learn arithmetic operations in shell script


  • User must provide two numbers and operator through command-line
  • Based on input do the operation and show the output.
  • Use case to handle multiple operations
  • Use expr or bc commands

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 6


  • How to run a loops in shell scripts.
  • How to execute a bash script.
  • How to change execute permission of a file..


  • To understand working of command-line arguments
  • To understand working of integer comparison in script.


  • Using command-line pass n arguments.
  • Compare all these arguments and print the largest value
  • Print error in-case no arguments.
  • Number of arguments can vary every time.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 7


  • How to use command-line arguments in script.
  • How to do use modules operators in script.
  • How to use loops in scripts.


  • To understand working of command-line arguments
  • To learn arithmetic operations in shell script


  • Read an multi-digit number from user and reverse the number.
  • Its not just printing in reverse order
  • You have to extract each digit and convert to reverse.
  • When ‘0’ comes as last digit, discard while reversing.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 7


  • Knowledge about sed.
  • Knowledge about regular-exp.


  • To learn sed command-line
  • To learn about regular-exp


  • Pass a filename through command-line.
  • Delete all the empty lines from that file and save it back.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 9


  • Knowledge about arrays in script.
  • Use of loops.
  • How to access elements of a string.


  • To learn more string manipulation in scripts.


  • Read a string from user, must end with a operator symbol.
  • Number can be any length but must end with an operator character
  • Always do left to right operations.
  • If 8312 – passed do 8-3-1-2 = 2

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 10


  • Knowledge about Fibonacci series.


  • Learn to implement existing algorithms using loops


  • Remember n is not number of elements to print
  • Its the boundary of elements to print.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 11


  • Knowledge about arrays.
  • How to find length of string.
  • How to access command-line arguments.


  • To learn more string manipulation in scripts.


  • Pass some names or strings from command-line.
  • Print all the string lengths one-by-one.
  • Number of argument may vary.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 12


  • Knowledge about printing colors using echo
  • Use of nested loops.


  • Print colors using echo command.


  • To print a black box echo -e -n “\\\\e[40m” ” “
  • To print a white box echo -e -n “\\\\e[47m” ” “
  • Call the commands in a loop.
  • After 8 columns make to normal color.
  • To make it normal echo -e -n “\\\\e[0m” ” “

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 13


  • Knowledge about arrays.
  • Bubble sort.


  • Learn about sorting mechanisms.
  • Better array manipulations.


  • Pass numbers through command-line arguments.
  • Provide a menu for user to choose ascending or descending.
  • Show sorted array according to user choice.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 14/1
  1. Currently logged users
  2. Your shell directory
  3. Home directory
  4. OS name & version
  5. Current working directory
  6. Number of users logged in
  7. Show all available shells in your system
  8. Hard disk information
  9. CPU information
  10. Memory information
  11. File system information
  12. Currently running process


  • Knowledge about user commands w, who, whoami
  • Bash environmental variables.
  • /proc file-system
  • Other system info commands like df, du, uname, ps.


  • To learn system information commands


  • Provide a menu for user about what information he wants to check
  • Using switch case display output for selected option.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

Linux Shell Scripting Assignments - 15

Test case 2:


  • Knowledge about Fibonacci series.


  • Learn to implement existing algorithms using loops


  • Remember n is not nth number of series.
  • Its the its the greatest element to print.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

 Linux Shell Script Exercises


  • Knowledge about mv and tr commands.
  • To check a file type in script.

WARNING: Dont try this in your home/ or assignment/ directory.
Please create a seperate directory to test this script.



  • To learn filter/translate commands
  • Identifying file types in script


  • Rename all files from current directory to lowercase letters.
  • Rename all directories from current directories to uppercase.
  • Digits and other symbols should remain same.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

 Linux Shell Script Exercises - 17/1

Test case 2:

 Linux Shell Script Exercises - 17/2


  • Knowledge about mv and tr commands.

WARNING: Dont try this in your home/ or assignmen/ directory.
Please create a seperate directory to test this script.



  • To learn filter/translate commands


  • After execting this script your current directory will be renamed to given name
  • Pass new name through command-line.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

 Linux Shell Script Exercises - 18/1


  • Knowledge about mv and tr commands.

WARNING: Dont try this in your home/ or assignmen/ directory.
Please create a separate directory to test this script.



  • To learn filter/translate commands


  • Aim of this project is to rename all files in one directory with a common name and indexing.
  • Usually when we takes pics in camera or mobile default names are like DSN001.jpg, DSN002.jpg
  • These files need to be renamed by user given prefix name
  • Prefix name pass through command-line argument.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

 Linux Shell Script Exercises - 19


  • Piping in shell
  • head and tail commands


  • To learn about file filter commands.


  • Pass three command-line arguments
  • 1- starting line number
  • 2-number of lines and filename
  • Script will print n lines from given starting line

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:

 Linux Shell Script Exercises - 20


  • Knowledge about date command.
  • Filter commands, cut and tr.
  • Bash configuration files.


  • Using time in script
  • Understanding bash configuration files.


  • The script should run as soon as you log-on to system
  • Print greetings based on time as follows.
  • “Good morning” (5 AM – 12 PM)
  • “Good noon” (12 PM – 1 PM)
  • “Good afternoon” (2 PM – 5 PM)
  • “Good evening” (5PM – 9 PM)
  • “Good night” (9 PM – 5 AM)

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Knowledge about tr command


  • Command output translation.


  • Provide a filename through command-line.
  • Ask user for conversion Lower to Upper / Upper to Lower.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Filter commands cut and tr.
  • Arrays in script.
  • String operations.


  • Learn about etc configuration files.


  • Fetch user-names from the first field in /etc/passwd file.
  • Print longest and shortest name.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Knowledge about find command.


  • Learn various usage of find command.


  • Find and delete all .swp files (Temperory vi files).
  • If command-line directories are passed delete only from that directories
  • If no arguments passed delete from entire ~/ directory
  • If no file present show a message.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Knowledge about rand, tr and cut commands.
  • Use of /dev/urandom file.
  • Piping


  • Piping between multiple commands.
  • Generate random values.


  • Every time a new password must created.
  • Password must contains a alpha-numeric and special characters.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Use of loops.
  • Print content of current directory without ls.


  • Accessing various directories using script.


  • This script will work like a ls command.
  • Don’t use ls command.
  • Pass any number of directories through command-line.
  • If no arguments passed, list current directory

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Knowledge about piping and redirection.
  • Use of tail command with follow option.


  • Learn about following a file.
  • Redirection


  • The final output becomes the input again to the command line.
  • Be alert, remember to stop this command before it fills your hard disk.
  • Look at the documentation for the tail command

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Working of functions in script.
  • Argument passing to functions.
  • Recursive functions.


  • Learn more about functions


  • We pass command-line arguments to script.
  • Script call function with same arguments.
  • Regardless of how many arguments are passed. You are allowed to echo only the first positional argument (echo $1).

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Must know commands df, tr and cut
  • Use of arrays and loops.


  • Learn more about mounting, file-systems and device files.


  • Check that given file-system is mounted or not
  • If its mounted, print free-space available in it.
  • Other-wise print error message.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Must know working of chmod command.


  • Learn about file permissions.


  • Remove all permissions for groups and others.
  • Provide directory name through command-line.
  • After running script all files in the given directory, Only should have all the permissions.
  • But remember dont add any permission to user only change to others and groups.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Must know commands df, tr and cut
  • Use of arrays and loops.


  • Learn more about mounting, file-systems and device files.


  • When you run the script show all file-system present in system.
  • Then print file-systems that have only 10% memory remaining.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Must know df, cut & tr commands.
  • Loops and arrays.


  • Learn about etc configuration files.


  • Fetch user-ids from the in /etc/passwd file.
  • Display only usernames between the range.
  • User can change the range using command-line arguments.
  • Default is 500 – 100000

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Must know bash environmental variables.
  • Working of tr command.
  • Loops and arrays.
  • Checking permission of files in script.


  • Learn significance of PATH variable.


  • Fetch each directories from PATH variable.
  • Use -x option if if condition to check executable permission.
  • Print directory and number of executable files one-by-one.
  • Print the total number of executable files at last.
  • Count only files have executable permission.
  • Verify path is present every-time.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Must know df, cut & tr commands.
  • Loops and arrays.


  • Learn about etc configuration files.


  • Fetch user-names from the first field in /etc/passwd file.
  • Search given name in the list.

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1:


  • Knowledge about sed command.
  • How to create random number.
  • Editing file using sed command.


  • Learn more about sed command.


  • Provide a .c file to this script through command-line.
  • Randomly delete 20% lines from the file.
  • Where ever you deleted replace a string

Sample Execution / Output:

Test Case 1: