Wearable IoT Applications

Wearable IoT: Everyone Gonna Wear It


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    Robotics has already proved its capabilities and advantages in different fields (including education) and wearables are started getting into a similar wave. Wearable IoT applications are going to be the next major big things in the field of education during decade considering the large scope and opportunity it offers.

    Apparently when it comes to IoT, we are thinking connecting Anything, Anytime, Anywhere, where wearables are part of a significant chunk. These days there are already popular wearable devices introduced in the market like Nike Bluetooth shoe, Google wearable glasses etc, which are making impact in the way we live.

    Wearable IoT applications  in the field of education has got a lot of advantages both for the learner and in the learning process. The way education is going to be delivered and consumed will change with such interconnected technologies coming together that will transform the educational field. What makes us to say this? Here are some key points to consider:

    Open and Cost-effective

    In past entering the field of hardware based design / development can cost thousands of dollars in hardware and software, but now as the software field is open source, it became easier for a newcomer to start with very little initial cost by using software created by others.


    Given this open environment, engineer can learn, experiment and try out IoT by spending less than $100 price-point which was never possible few years back. This puts lot of power in anybody’s hand that will make new ideas becoming possibilities.

    It’s Fun, Its Cool!

    Working with wearable IoT applications is fun. They combine different educational possibilities like design thinking, complexity, system thinking, collaboration at one go. They help students engage with material in hands on ways and also provides play-driven learning opportunities that explore design, engineering and emergent behavior.


    Think of a wearable IoT use-case, where user is wearing a device that can monitor and report the sitting posture at his seat (say in workplace), which will help him to take care of ergonomics better. Since the use case is very simple engineers can connect to it very easily thereby making the leaning as a fun activity.

    Wearables in Education Process

    Working with wearable enhances creative problem solving techniques in the field of education. For example in the primary school level, it can increase a child’s ability to more naturally interact with their environment, and to be creative and innovative.


    Students can more easily access information without any obstructions. Examples of wearable technology in the classroom are: Autographer, Keyglove, Muse, VR, Smart Watches, GoPro, and Google Glass. Autographer allows students to capture student’s direct notes to ensure complete note taking.


    Keyglove are wireless gloves that are useful in gaming, design, art, music, data entry, device control, and 3D objects. Muse tracks students’ brain activity onto a smartphone or tablet so that it can detect what activities they might need to keep them focused on studying.


    Wearable technology can be viewed in close-up viewing of lab demos, safe viewing at a distance, medical training and to know the perspective of lecturer, Could be used by coaches to demonstrate a technique from their own perspective. For example, a track and field coach might record how they approach a high jump while athletes in training are watching, and can later watch the coach’s viewpoint.

    Endless Possibilities

    When it comes to learning wearable offer endless possibilities on what can be achieved. Think of the following cases.


    • Language learning tool combined with Google Translator.
    • Distance learning via Glass, instead of on a computer or laptop.
    • For identifying buildings by combining Google Goggles mobile app and an on-campus map.
    • For displaying supplemental material during lectures.
    • Screen casting takes on a new angle, literally — from the perspective of the lecturer.
    • Class schedule for easy access.


    They are creating one of the fastest growing markets in 2014 with predicted growth according to the IDC study, Worldwide Wearable Computing Device 2014-2018 Forecast and Analysis, of 78.4%.For a country like India these technology will bring a lot of development as we have a very few quality resources and a vast amount of population to cover, these type of technologies will only help us in this regard.

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