Basic Linux Shell Scripting Course | Tutorials and Projects
Basic Linux Shell
Linux Shell Scripting Course will give you a kick-start to your journey into Linux. This course will enable you with setting up Linux as a development environment. It will get you started with executing basic Linux commands, further deep dive into BASH Shell Scripting. Contents are plenty in this internet driven world and most of the time you will be confused where to look for what information. We, at team Emertxe, understand this challenge and curated them in form of Basic Linux Tutorials, Sample code, Assignments and Projects.

Course Materials
Build foundations by understanding Basic Linux shell scripting course. Download our in-depth course materials and reference materials to get started.

Sample Code
Make your hands dirty by getting hands-on with our sample code. With designed use cases, get maximum coverage of the subject.

Apply your knowledge by building on real working programs. These assignments will stretch your thinking horizon for sure.

Insustry Projects
Go beyound of basic linux tutorial. There is nothing cooler than seeing a working project. Work on these industry projects by taking SDLC approach

Interview Preparation
Got an interview or written test tomorrow? Nothing can substitute the last minute preparation. Clear your interviews with ease.