Recent companies visited for our Embedded systems training and placement – ECEP
Emertxe’s Embedded systems training and placement oriented course – ECEP is one of the industry renowned program. In the recent past our students who got trained in embedded systems is been getting multiple placement opportunities from companies that are working in various embedded domains. Here is the recent list of companies visited us:

Meltronics Group of Companies ( is into Aerospace defense electronics area with focus in design, development, manufacture, testing, delivery, installation, training and maintenance of electronic systems & products for defense, industries and avionics.

AK Aerotek ( works on Software Design, Development and V&V of multiple Aerospace / Avionics Systems is widely acknowledged and operational on a range of Aircrafts.

Nagra Vision:
Nagra ( is part of Kudelski Group company that works on integrated Digital TV division provides secure digital TV access and management systems offering content providers and Digital TV operators worldwide with secure, open, integrated platforms and applications over broadcast, broadband and mobile platforms, enabling compelling and personalized viewing experiences.
These organizations primarily expect students to be having practical experience in Embedded C, Linux Internals and Micro-controller programming combined with basic understanding of digital electronics. Our Embedded systems course is in alignment with needs of such companies, hence students get multiple placement opportunities to attend interviews. As a part of our process Disha sessions were conducted to make students ready in terms of resume preparation, written-test coaching and interviewing skills with C & Linux.
More such placement companies are in the pipeline, thereby makes our Embedded systems training and placement program as a complete ‘industry-ready’ training for fresh engineers.
In the past few weeks multiple placement companies